Judy Recommends
Resources for Relationships and Personal DevelopmentThey’re resources related to my theme of the week, and meant to assist you in your relationship and family goals, while staying true to your soul.
No, I do not receive any kickbacks if you use them. I simply believe in their value.
Judy’s Recommendations
Sept 12, 2022
Theme: Learn Better to Do Better
Resource: The Stepfamily Summit
IG profile: @thestepfamilysummit
Website/Click-page: http://tinyurl.com/thestepfamilysummit2022
Resources for Step Parents are More than Ever!
Being a stepmom was THE MOST challenging role I have ever done to date. And if someone asked if I’d be a stepparent again today, knowing what I know now, I’d say yes.
Here’s why. Now I have the tools and information I need to get better results. If I run into a snag, because let’s face it, life is tough and even the best tools in the world can’t prevent some of the things that come up in a stepfamily. When/if that happens, I know where to get support, and maybe even learn a new tool. That’s because we have more resources available for stepfamilies than ever before! The bad news is that so many of the good ones are not well-known or shared.
That’s why I’m inviting you to join the 2022 ULTIMATE STEPFAMILY SUMMIT where 20+ stepfamily experts share their collective 200 years of personal and professional experience.
This FREE 3-Day virtual event starts Sept 15 and promises to deliver significantly impactful content that will help you in your stepfamily life.
Join via this link: https://tinyurl.com/stepfamilysummit2022. Either cut and paste it in your browser, or go to my link.in.bio under the “Judy Recommends” tab. You’ll be thankful you did, and so will your family!
Aug 29, 2022
Theme: Gain Power Over Thought Patterns
Resource: Mental Health Journals’ 8-minute Mind Purger
IG profile: @mental.health.journals
Website/Click-page: mentalhealth-journals.com
Reframe Negative Thoughts in 8 Minutes
Does your mind loop the same negative thoughts over and over? Do you sometimes find yourself in a downward spiral of doubt, fear, or disastrous thinking? Have you ever had a difficult time breaking out of it?
Well, this 8-minute Mind Purger exercise from Mental Health Journals @mental.health.journals can help!
I’ve been caught in loops of negative thought patterns myself. In fact, at one point it was my primary way of being and operating. I had good reason too. As I shared in the past, my world had turned upside down. I lost everything, and had to rebuild from scratch. As such, my real-life evidence supported my negative thinking, thus making it more difficult to break free and break through.
How did I emerge from that better and stronger? First, I followed guidance from people who had achieved it prior to me. The primary advice I heard was to monitor my thoughts and reframe anything negative to positive. Since emotions are attached to each thought, this automatically up-levels your emotions simultaneously. I did it through journaling, including exercises like today’s recommendation.
This FREE 8-minute guide is a perfect tool to assist you to “Reframe, Recharge, and Revive Your Mind”. It first educates you on the 9 categories of Automatic Thoughts associated with cognitive traps. Then it walks you through an exercise to identify which categories your pattern mimics so that you can reframe it. There’s space to write your affirmative statement, which helps you anchor it in your being. The result is feeling more empowered.
In short, this guide can help you gain control over your negative thoughts. I highly recommend getting your free copy @mental.health.journals, or go to my link.in.bio under “Judy Recommends”.
May this support you in your personal healing journey.
Aug 22, 2022
Theme: Start Virgo Season with Holistic Health
Resource: Megan Nolan’s Wake the Warrior Within yoga workshop
IG profile: @iammegannolan
Link to workshop: www.megan-nolan.com/Wake-the-Warrior-Within
Yoga Can Wake the Warrior Within You
What’s a Warrior got to do with a mellow practice like Yoga? Believe me. It actually makes TOTAL sense especially once you’ve learned how to…
Wake the Warrior Within!
That’s exactly what my friend Megan @iammegannolan will help you to do in her free workshop happening this Wed, August 24th.
This live and interactive experience will take you on a journey into the Warrior poses, and the ancient story behind them, to help you go from
Overwhelmed Overachiever to being the Purposeful Powerhouse that you truly are!!
If you’ve done yoga before, it’ll completely change how you see and do the poses. If you haven’t, the cool story may get you interested and energized to turn this practice into a habit.
It could:
🌟Activate the subtleties of the poses and unlock the potent teachings and tools that await you for use both on and off the mat.
🌟 Leverage your time by doing one session that will strengthen your body and mind simultaneously to give you vibrant holistic health.
🌟 Learn to intentionally direct your life from a place of deep knowing and trust by taking charge of your focus and true power.
Join me as my guest! Find the link in my bio under “Judy Recommends”.
Aug 16, 2022
Theme: When Relationships Go Wrong
Resource: Susan Guthrie interviews Sherry Gaba; Divorce and Beyond Podcast, ep 244: Love Addiction
IG profile: @SusanGuthrieEsq
Link to podcast episode: divorceandbeyond.podbean…relationshipaddiction
Sherry Gaba’s IG profile: @codependencycurious_toxiclove
Why You Should Know about Love Addiction
What is Love Addiction, and why does it matter?
My premise: the prevalence of unhealthy relationships by far outweigh happy and mutually respectful ones. At the core of all unhealthy relationships are wounded hearts, wounded egos, and people who have lost the essence of who they really are. That makes them vulnerable to Love Addiction.
Sherry Gaba @codependencycurious_toxiclove, psychotherapist and author of Love Smacked, was interviewed by Susan Guthrie @susanguthrieesq on Divorce and Beyond Podcast @divorceandbeyond. Sherry is a leading expert on addiction and recovery, and has made a number of appearances in the mainstream, including Celebrity Rehab, CNN, and Inside Edition. In her book she addresses relationship addiction and codependency. What’s noteworthy is that her education started with her personal experience.
In addition to explaining the signs and symptoms of Love Addiction, Sherry also discusses the mental and emotional states that make some people more susceptible than others to toxic relationships. She even shared the 3 types of trauma bonding, which was of particular interest to me.
I personally have not seen this specifically in my clients. However, I feel like it’s important for all of us to understand, because it’s highly likely that you know somebody who’s been affected (or should I say afflicted) ~ if not in your peers or family, then perhaps in the younger generation. You certainly want to be able to recognize the signs so you can guide your children as they enter relationships.
You can listen to the full episode on Divorce and Beyond Podcast with host, Susan Guthrie. While you’re there, check out the other informative episodes available. I put the link to the episode and their IG profiles are in my link.in.bio under “Judy Recommends”.
Aug 1, 2022
Theme: Personal Healing Journey to Love
Resource: Writer, Speaker, Poet, Meditator: Yung Pueblo
IG profile: @yung_pueblo
click-page: https://lnk.bio/a8IF
Prose to Heal, Love, and Be Happy
Are you on a quest for love, healing, happiness, and healthy relationships? Today’s recommendation is for you! Diego Perez @yung_pueblo publishes daily posts that will help you do just that.
He’s a meditator, writer, and speaker who’s published two books of poetry, with a third one which you can pre-order. He’s been featured on CBS, ABC Nightline News, Univision TV, and multiple podcasts.
His content focuses on self-love, emotional healing, and transformation so that you can experience more happiness. That includes healthier relationships.
It’s obvious to me that everything he shares is wisdom gained from his personal journey. In short, he learned it the hard way, just as I did. So far, everything I’ve read from him echoes what I’ve learned (and now teach) as well. For example, this post of his I’m sharing today expresses the same essential message that I shared in my videos last week. Thus, if you resonate with my material, you’ll resonate with his as well. Maybe you’ll want to buy his books or follow him here on Insta @yung_pueblo.
I’m adding the links to his profile and linktree in my bio. Click on the button “Judy Recommends” to find it.
Drop a heart in the comments if like resources such as this which focus on self-love, healing, and finding more happiness.
Until next, may you find a plethora of reasons to smile every day!
July 25, 2022
Theme: In Honor of Parents’ Day
Resource: Fern Weis, Parent Educator and Coach
IG profile: @connectedmomsandteens
website: www.fernweis.com
Parent For your Kids, Not To your Kids
Parents, in honor of yesterday being Parent’s Day, this one’s for you, especially if your children aren’t listening to you, making poor choices, or you have a challenging relationship with them. Fern Weis @connectedmomsandteens is a Parent Coach and Educator.
She’s also a Certified Empowerment Coach, Certified Emotional Intelligence Coach, and Family Recovery Coach. Not only does she have the knowledge, but the personal experience as well. She learned what not to do the hard way, and then learned a better way through a parent education program.
Everything she teaches and coaches are things she’s done herself. Things like letting go of the need to control, helping teens become problem-solvers, and infusing values into your parenting. She says, “You don’t have to be in crisis to do things differently. In fact, I want to help you avoid the crisis. My goal is for you to be a strong, confident parent who launches independent, resilient young adults into the world.” She started her business in 2008 to help parents do just that.
I’ve been subscribed to her newsletter for years, and find value in every one I read. If I have clients who have additional parenting challenges outside of stepfamily dynamics, I’d send them to Fern. That’s how highly I think of her as a coach.
Even if you don’t have ongoing intense challenges with your teen, you may still want to follow her @connectedmomsandteens or subscribe to her newsletter for additional tips. If you’re a biological parent in a blended family, then definitely check her out!
Her website and profile links will be in my link.in.bio. Click on the button, “Judy Recommends”.
Drop a “heart emoji” in the comments if you know of a parent who has felt challenged through the teen years.
July 18, 2022
Theme: Learning through others’ stories, pain points, and lessons
Resource: Hotwordz Hottopics, radio show on BlogTalk Radio
IG profile: @HotwordzHottopics
link to radio show: www.blogtalkradio.com/hotwordzhottopics
Hear Everyday People Discuss this Complex World Open-mindedly and Transparently
Do you find value in hearing other people’s stories and what they learned? I do, too, and that’s why I’m recommending Hotwordz Hottopics network on BlogTalk Radio.
As much as each of us are unique, we share similar experiences ~ setbacks, emotions, challenges, and variations of triumphs. On top of that, there are worldly events that affect each of us differently. I want to hear and understand how others experience them, because at the end of the day, what affects one affects all of us in some way. I mean from everyday people who can be transparent and open-minded while discussing topics. That’s what I’ve found @HotwordzHottopics.
Their words: “We live in a complex world, and the best part are the differences we all have. Unfortunately, we have found what we share the most is pain. We all have stories to share, and we find that there are similarities and differences. But life is not all bad, so let’s shine in our own way. … We need these talks, and we need to have them with everyday people. We listen, teach, and learn for the possibility of a solution into this world.”
I’ve listened to 4 of the 8 shows: Ovasi Views, Artist2Artist, I Can’t Be Black With Y’all, and Free Thought Society. I learn something from each episode. For example, it was interesting to hear perspectives of men on dating/relationships from the hosts of Free Thought Society, especially for me as both a woman and professional in the Relationship Industry. I Can’t Be Black With Y’all shares opinions and open discussions related to Black Identity and Cultural Consciousness. I identified with the aspect as it related to being a woman. Creatives will enjoy getting a peak behind the curtain of how to make a business from your visual art on Artist2Artist, hosted by Lisa Michelle. On Ovasi Views, Gg The Storyteller shares stories on topics ranging from Christianity, relationships, mental health, forgiveness, and cultural/worldly narratives.
The link is in my bio. I hope you check them out. Comment below on similar talk radio shows that you like.
July 11, 2022
Theme: Micro Learning and Playing the Long Game
Resource: Four Minute Books: a database of book summaries
IG profile: @FourMinuteBooks
Read more in only 4 minutes every day
Are you an avid reader, and wish you had more time to read? Raise your hand if you have a growing list of books “to read”? *raises hand* I do.
Occasionally, a book goes immediately to the top of my list. That was the case with Bruce Lipton’s book, Biology of Beliefs. I initially heard him being interviewed years ago, and became fascinated with his research in cellular biology. Since then, I’ve heard him quoted or referenced many times. A few months ago, I found his YouTube channel, resurfacing my desire to read his book.
I did a little search. Included in my results was a 4-minute summary of this book. I was immediately intrigued, especially since a lot of my time is currently consumed by a string of projects. It was written by Niklas Göke who has created an online database of over 1000 book summaries ~ each only 4 minutes. Quite impressive!
On one hand, reading only the summary of a book translates to missing details that can help you understand the content, particularly the details of the research and conclusions. On the other hand, it’s a quick and easy way to learn more in less time. In the case of the other books on my list, what an incredible value it is to get the gist of what the author is trying to convey.
I frequently hear how nobody reads anymore. To some extent, I get it. We only have time for so much, and we’re being pulled in many directions all the time. Nik, the creator of this database, infused this idea in me of taking only 4 minutes every day to read. It seems insignificant off-the-cuff. However, what if you spent it reading a couple pages, or one chapter, of a book? What if you spent it on a book that never made it to your list? Think of how much more you’d know after a month, or even a year. That’s why I signed up for his newsletter, and have been getting 4-minute book summaries in my inbox.
Four Minute Books is the name of the website and database. Find his link in my bio under “Judy Recommends”. Drop a comment to let me know what you think.
June 27, 2022
Theme: Bridging the Gender Gap
Resource: Randell Turner, PhD interview: “How to Build an Intimate Relationship that Lasts”
Link to this episode: www.thefathershowwithmikethompson.podbean/episode89
Link to Randell Turner’s ministry: www.transformingfamilies.org
How to Build an Intimate Relationship that Lasts a Lifetime
How would you define intimacy? How would your partner? What’s the likelihood that you two agree? Very slim. This dichotomy speaks directly to the gender divide, which impacts relationships significantly.
Today’s recommendation is an interview with Randell Turner, PhD, President of Transforming Families. He’s been teaching and counseling on the subject of healthy intimacy for over 25 yrs, offering retreats, workshops, and counseling.
As one of the pioneers in the Fatherhood and Men’s Movement, his first mission was to help men who felt broken, isolated, and lonely. Inspired by his own experiences he wrote the book, Rescuing the Rogue, designed to equip men in forging intimate relationships that last a lifetime.
After teaching his curriculums to men, women inquired about materials for them, because as it turns out, they also don’t know how to have healthy intimacy. I was thinking that exact thing as I listened before he said it.
The fact is, none of us learned how to do relationships in a healthy way. There are no classes on it. Most parents don’t teach their kids how, and parents who do primarily share what worked for them. However, there are numerous reasons why those things won’t work for their offspring.
That’s precisely why Randell Turner’s message can assist both men and women in having healthier relationships. He not only provides a definition of healthy intimacy, but also teaches you how to develop it.
I highly recommend this interview on The Father Show with Mike Thompson. Yes, this is the podcast I recommended last week. Find the links.in.bio under “Judy Recommends” for both the podcast and Transforming Families. Does this spur questions? Send them to thefathershow@gmail.com. Randell will answer them personally when he returns for a 2nd interview.
June 20, 2022
Theme: Honoring and Advocating for Fathers
Resource: The Father Show with Mike Thompson
Link to his podcast: thefathershowwmikethompson.podbean.com
Link to his website: The Father Show Resource Program web database
The Father Show Resource Program
As yesterday was Father’s Day, I want to highlight a resource that supports men in all areas of life ~ The Father Show with Mike Thompson. Mike hosts a weekly podcast, plus a resource page on his website, dedicated to helping men be the best version of themselves.
The mission of his podcast is to “Educate. Motivate. Inspire.” Weekly, he interviews experts on topics like parenting, co-parenting, high-conflict divorce, blending a family, being a stay-at-home dad, preventing bullying, human trafficking, porn addiction, masculinity, the role of the men in challenging times, and more. Find him on both YouTube and Podbean.
The Father Show Resource Program on his website is “to provide fathers, single or married, with a one-stop resource of information that can assist them in raising their children, positively and productively.” If you can’t find something you need, reach out to him via his contact form on the same page, because he’s regularly discovering new resources. Plus, he’s both smart and personable, and therefore likely to be of help.
My objective is to facilitate a true partnership within relationships. That means each person recognizing their own value and strengths as well as that of their partner, resulting in synergy. Each person complements the whole while honoring individualism.
I highly recommend Mike Thompson, The Father Show, and his Resource Program because I think there’s not enough awareness of the available support for men. Many men have a harder time asking for help than women. Part of that is an outdated unrealistic cultural norm that men are just supposed to know what to do and how. But as the world changes, we too need to update our expectations and tools.
Find the links to The Father Show with Mike Thompson in my bio under “Judy Recommends”. Comment below on what you think of this resource, and if you know of any others for men.
June 13, 2022
Theme: Healing From Past Emotional Wounds
Resource: The Emotion Code; author: Dr Bradley Nelson
IG profile: @officialbradleynelson
Link to The Emotion Code book: www.discoverhealing.com/…the-emotion-code…
Website/Click-page: www.discoverhealing.com
Remove Trapped Emotions using The Emotion Code®
Do you ever find yourself getting re-triggered emotionally over something that happened years ago, and feel just as angry, hurt, or sad as if it is just happened?
Ever wonder if something is wrong with you because you can’t “get over it”?
More to the point, d’ya think you’re doomed to feel this for the rest of your life?
You’re not, and nothing’s wrong with you. With today’s resource, you’re a giant leap closer to getting relief from your pain, healing it, and feeling genuinely happy.
In his best-selling book, The Emotion Code®, Dr Bradley Nelson explains how emotions get trapped in the body, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to remove them naturally. The plethora of testimonials is evidence that it works.
He developed this method in the 1990’s while working in his holistic clinic, and practiced with thousands of patients. After refining his method, Nelson trained thousands of practitioners who get the same results.
Recently, I’ve met 3 certified practitioners of The Emotion Code, and had sessions with 2 of them. Both times, the results were immediate. I felt lighter, more relaxed, and had clarity on a few tough situations. I was suddenly able to see things from a higher vantage point. This allowed me to have more compassion and understanding, and thus a deeper level of forgiveness.
I originally heard about The Emotion Code several years ago when Cari Murphy interviewed Dr Nelson on her radio show. I added his book to my list; But with all the other books on my list, it didn’t make it to the top. Can you relate? It was happenstance that I came upon these practitioners. Because of my personal results, I’m now investing my time to read his book and learn more. I’ve only read the 1st 2 chapters so far, including the foreword by Tony Robbins.
Find Dr Bradley Nelson on Insta @officialbradleynelson. The link to his website and The Emotion Code will be in my bio under “Judy Recommends”.
Do you know any good books on how to heal past emotional issues? Let me know in the comments.
June 6, 2022
Theme: You’re the Author of Your Life
Resource: Bruce Lipton’s books, Instagram, and YouTube
Link to his Instagram: @BiologyofBeliefs
Link to website: www.brucelipton.com
Link to his YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/…biologyofbeliefs
How Bruce Liption Learned the Biology of Beliefs
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” This is one of many inspirational posts @BiologyofBeliefs, Dr Bruce Lipton’s account, based on the book he authored of the same name.
Dr Lipton’s groundbreaking research in stem cell biology gave rise to the field of epigenetics, also referred to as “new biology”. He’s learned how both the environment and our mind affects our genes, and has become a highly sought-after keynote speaker and presenter. He’s praised for teaching complex subject matter in a way that even lay people can understand, and often does it with humor and a theatrical flair. Check out his YouTube channel to see what I mean.
Bruce Lipton, PhD, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. IMO, he’s on par with Dr Joe Dispenza as far as knowledge and impact, particularly because they’ve learned what they teach first-hand through their own research.
With this foundation of Lipton’s background, the context of the above meme changes. We literally can change all aspects of our life from the inside out.
This doesn’t just apply to biology. It also applies to relationships. You can endlessly fight with your spouse, but what is it solving? All it does is release your anger. If you’re not fighting outwardly but holding onto your anger, your repressed emotions will cause other psycho-physical symptoms. Instead, we should expend our thoughts and energy toward what we do want rather than on regurgitating old patterns. I can help you do that if you’re ready. Find the link to work with me in my bio.
Building something new requires daily effort, starting with how you view your situation and what you think is possible. Are you feeling optimistic? @BiologyofBeliefs is a good place to go for a daily infusion of positivity, encouragement, and inspiration. Knowing the science behind it is helpful. For that, I also recommend Lipton’s books and YouTube channel. I’ll add the links in my bio under “Judy Recommends”.
May 23, 2022
Theme: Parenting With Grace
Resource: Slow Parenting Teens: How to Create a Positive, Respectful, and Fun Relationship with Your Teenager; authors: Molly Wingate, M.A. and Marti Woodward, M.S.
link to website: www.slowparentingteens.com
Read book on Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/…slow-parenting-teens
Slow Parenting is the Key to a Positive, Respectful, and Fun Relationship with Your Teenager
Do your kids listen to you? Ask your advice? Do you have a positive, mutually-respectful relationship with them? If not, would you like to? Or do you know of somebody who doesn’t but wish they did?
Today’s recommendation is Slow Parenting Teens: How to Create a Positive, Respectful, and Fun Relationship with Your Teenager by Molly Wingate, M.A. and Marti Woodward, M.S.. They achieve this intention ten-fold IMPO.
Slow Parenting is both a philosophy and an attitude. The term was popularized by Carl Honoré who wanted to change our cultural paradigm from one that creates more stress for our youth. He compared it to the slow food movement which requires people to be more conscientious about what they eat so they can be healthier. Similarly, slow parenting will require you to think differently about the way you parent, so that you can have a positive relationship with your children, regardless of their age.
The 5 slow parenting attitudes you need to hold every day on every decision:
- Steward your teens.
- Respect you teens’ personality.
- Catch them doing it right.
- Listening is effective.
- Parent every day.
Slow parenting will not only help you develop a positive relationship with your teen. Also, you’ll be teaching them problem-solving skills and helping them become independent. Exercises are provided throughout to help you apply these principles to you and your situation.
I highly recommend this book to any parent who finds him/herself arguing too much with, or is increasingly worried about, their teen. I most especially recommend it to remarried couples who argue a lot over discipline, because these 5 attitudes align with Authoritative Parenting style, which coincides with the lowest re-divorce rate.
The book is available for purchase on Amazon, and to read on Goodreads. Go to my link.in.bio under “Judy Recommends” for the links.
What is your favorite book or resource for parents? Let us know in the comments.
May 16, 2022
Theme: Unique Challenges of Step Mothers Compared to Mothers
Resource: The Package Deal: My (not-so) Glamorous Transition from Single Gal to Instant Mom; author: Izzy Rose
link to book on Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/…the-package-deal
link to Rose’s publishing house website: www.yellowskymedia.com
The Transition from Single to Instant Mom
Rose’s personal memoir, it’s written in a witty and humorous way, just as you’d expect from an award-winning tv producer (which she was at the time).
With all the stories of single parents blending households, it’s rarer to find a book about single women without children who marries a man with children.
Although written with humor to make it light and entertaining, the tough transition is real. I can personally attest to that because it was my story as well. A recent client was feeling this acutely, and reminded me of the many subtle ways it shows up ~ in ways that most people can’t grok because they haven’t been in our shoes.
In my case, as with Rose, we thought that our childhood experience of a divorced family would give us an edge. We were wrong. In fact, it gave us unrealistic expectations. Family of origin plays a significant role in stepfamily “success” (or not), but not in the way we think ~ too much complexity to expound here.
Statistically, childless stepmoms report the highest rate of depression, as well as a feeling of loneliness and isolation. As a response to venturing to share their feelings, they’re often told, “You knew what you were getting into.” Umm, yes, but that doesn’t make the transition any less strenuous.
Rose’s book highlights both the challenges and hidden blessings in a way that you’ll enjoy going on the journey with her. Childless stepmoms in particular will resonate with this book, especially if you felt you were missing the “mom gene” as if it was a genetic defect.
Go to my link.in.bio under “Judy Recommends” to find the link to the book on Goodreads, or buy it on Amazon.
May 9, 2022
Theme: Helping Mothers to Parent Tweens
Resource: Kate Gilmore, MHS, PLPC (School Counselor)
IG profile: @katherine_nolacounselor
Featured Author IG profile: @school_counseling_balance
Link to Buy book: amazon.com/Creating-Balance-Parenting-Through…
School Counselors' Sage Advice to Parents
Kate Gilmore @katherine_nolacounselor is a Lower School Counselor who frequently showcases educational books, resources, and activities for parents and their school-age children, ranging from pre-school to the tween/early teens. Some are for k-12 students, or their parents.
A few of the items she selected can help children understand and process their emotions, as well as other self-regulation. It’s something to keep in mind given that May is also Mental Health Awareness Month.
The book she’s showcasing today is Creating the Balance: Parenting Through the Middle School Years by Louise Diamond @school_counseling_balance. Written from the perspective of a school counselor, it covers 15 essential topics to help parents guide their adolescents, such as managing screen time, social/peer challenges, improving behaviors at home, coping with grief and divorce, and more. Recommended for parents of children aged 9-14 years old.
If you’re a parent who wants more assistance with these tough topics, hop on over to Kate and Louise’s IG profiles to follow them. I recommend both of them, as well as the products they highlight, and will add both of their links to my link.in.bio under “Judy Recommends”.
Please like this post if you find value in what I recommend. Share with your parent friends of adolescents.
If you have a favorite book or resource for parents of adolescents, don’t keep them to yourself. Please share it in the comments. Or just drop a ♥ if you want to see more posts like this.
May 2, 2022
Theme: Finding Inspiration and ways to Expand Consciousness
Resource: Fractal Enlightenment blog and IG acct
IG profile: @fractal.enlightenment
link to their blog: https://fractalenlightenment.com
Learn Through and From Your Pain
I think we all need this at times to lift our mood or think of things in a new way. I’ve found that by doing this regularly, over time we form a different lens through which we view and interpret life ~ what’s happening in our own lives, as well as the people around us.
Fractal Enlightenment (@fractal.enlightenment) is IMO both inspirational and thought-provoking via their IG account and blog.
On IG, they mostly share quotes, like this one from Jim Morrison. I like it because I find truth in it. Jim Morrison had a very magnetic personality. Despite all his personal issues and addictions, people were naturally drawn to him. I believe it’s because he was authentic. He said aloud what most people don’t want to admit, like what he shares in this quote about people trying to avoid their own pain ~ oftentimes through denial.
They have over 1000 unique articles on their blog, which they started simply in 2006 to share their “soul learnings” that stemmed from chaos.
I found them when I was trying to find articles and information on Masaru Emoto’s water experiment. I returned to read other articles and expand my consciousness in new ways.
If you like this kind of stuff, you’ll love @fractal.enlightenment. They have over 1.5 million fans across their social media platforms. I’ll add the link to their blog here and in my link.in.bio under “Judy Recommends”.
What kinds of things inspire you? If you like this, or know of any other accounts that either inspire or motivate, let me know in the comments.
Until next, may you find multiple reasons to smile today.
Apr 25, 2022
Theme: Solutions from Out-of-the-Box Thinking
Resource: Susan Guthrie interviews Dorcy Pruter; The Divorce and Beyond podcast, ep#128: Parental Alienation Solutions
IG profile: @divorceandbeyond
podcast episode: divorceandbeyond.podbean.com/…parental-alienation-that-works
Conscious CoParenting Institute: www.consciouscoparentinginstitute.com
Solutions to Parental Alienation that WORK!
Parental Alienation is also referred to as hostile aggressive parenting, and is now considered to be a form of child abuse. It happens in cases where one parent gets sole custody of the children, and then turns them against the other parent, usually by lying and twisting facts. Thus, the children are weaponized against the other parent.
Children are emotionally bonded to both parents. When a relationship with one parent is severed for any reason, it has detrimental psychological effects on the child, which can last if not healed.
Dorcy Pruter is the Founder of Conscious CoParenting Institute. Her personal experience as both a child and adult who was alienated by a parent, propelled her to figure out a real solution when the experts and our legal system were unable. She has a Coaching Certification and a Certification in Mediation and High Conflict Resolution. She’s combined some of the best of the training and parenting classes, and has written a new more powerful curriculum. Dorcy works with industry leaders on solving the crisis of pathogenic parenting.
Listen to the full episode to learn more, particularly if you’re a targeted parent or know somebody who is being targeted. Go to my link.in.bio under “Judy Recommends” for the link to this episode and Dorcy Pruter’s Conscious CoParenting Institute. Also, check out Susan Guthrie @susanguthrieesq and The Divorce and Beyond Podcast @divorceandbeyond.
Shout-out to @checkidayofficial for the heads-up on today being Parental Alienation Awareness Day.
Apr 18, 2022
Theme: The Personal Healing Journey
Resource: Embraced by the Light; author, Betty J Eadie
IG profile: @bettyjeadie
link to book on website: www.embracedbythelight.com/my-bookstore
Opening to the Mystery
Betty J Eadie @bettyjeadie is one of numerous people who had a near-death experience (NDE). Hers is the most detailed recorded, which she shares in her book, Embraced by the Light.
Yesterday was Easter. Given that its most prevalent meaning is one of death and rebirth, this book is apropos.
It was recommended to me by a friend. Years later, I finally read it. Why so long? Because I was a true agnostic, and had no interest in anything remotely spiritual or woo-woo. Raised in a religious Roman Catholic family, questioning my faith was taboo – one of many things I’ve been judged for and looked down upon. Not just by family. Other people, including men I dated, suddenly reacted differently toward me when they found out. It scared them. More than that, it confused them. When I reached my lowest point of feeling depressed and angry 24/7, I made the decision to be happy again {period}. Other books / resources started me on a journey. This one came back to me organically, although I don’t remember the specifics.
I don’t share it as a testament to what is. It’s merely one person’s experience. In my Death and Dying class in college, I read many NDE stories. The majority echo Eadie’s; However, a few have recounted a scary NDE. As the social scientist I am (a Sociologist), I can’t discount any evidence. It’s all part of the bigger story, although none of us truly “know” the truth. It helped me to see new possibilities that I hadn’t previously seen.
Seeing the potential of what could be opens us up. It allows us to live in the question. Knowing the answers is over-rated. The mysteries of the Universe are by far more interesting IMO. Of course, knowing the answers to daily life challenges has its merit. Lol But beyond that, I see the benefit of staying open to something completely new, different, and better than even my imagination can invent.
Toast to being open to the mystery.
Apr 11, 2022
Theme: Healing Relationships Starts with Forgiveness
Resource: IIRFL: International Institute for Radical Forgiveness Leadership
IG profile: @RadicalForgiveness_inst
link to RF’s free tools: www.radicalforgiveness.org/free-tools
The Tipping Method of Radical Forgiveness
Its Vision: “In conscious compassion we shine the light of hope on the pathway of Global harmony, in acceptance of self and others, in order to create a more peaceful, vibrant, and loving New Earth.”
If you’ve had one or more bad relationships, or are now in a challenging one, your Healing from it is predicated on Forgiveness. I’ve stated before that forgiveness of another starts with forgiveness of self. When your wounds are particularly deep, Radical Forgiveness is warranted.
The Tipping Method of Radical Forgiveness has 5 Stages:
- Tell the story
- Feel the feelings
- Collapse the story
- Reframe the story
- Integrate
Each stage leads organically to the next with the final stage changing you on a cellular level. It becomes a part of who you are. (These are his words, not mine, taken directly from his worksheets.) The words are meaningless without the full explanation of the underlying concepts and how to apply them to you specifically.
Tipping has published multiple books expounding on it. His body of work has been translated to 5 different languages across 51 countries.
IIRFL is about a “transformative healing process … that enables individuals to take ownership and free themselves of their past pain and hurt”. They offer free downloadable worksheets to walk you through the Radical Forgiveness process of either yourself or another, as well as several other free tools. The links can be found in my bio under “Judy Recommends” tab.
I personally have experienced the healing power of forgiveness, and it’s my sincere desire to spread this movement. Every single one of us has a grievance. Healing is in our hands when we’re ready.
Apr 4, 2022
Theme: Differences Within Stepfamilies
Resource: Joel Hawbaker’s 10 CBF: a podcast for blended families
IG profile: @joelwhawbaker
podcast link: podcast.apple.com/…/s3 ep7… 5 challenges… for stepfamilies
link to Papernow: www.stepfamilyrelationships.com
Leading Research on Stepfamilies
Last week his guest speaker was Dr. Patricia Papernow, renowned industry leader of clinical research and education of stepfamilies. She’s authored dozens of articles and book chapters, along with the leading book in the field, Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn’t. It’s been my coaching handbook, particularly as it pertains to the decades of research.
With Joel, she discusses the 5 challenges and “easy wrong turns” in stepfamilies, explicated in detail in the book. Additionally, the book covers 4 “diverse” stepfamilies, normal stages of development, and the 6 patterns of becoming a stepfamily.
The 6 patterns include 2 that typically take 2 and 5 years respectively to reach mature stepfamilydom, and 3 patterns that are among the 25% who typically break up within 5 years. It’d be higher if it included couples who cohabitate without a formal marriage. Per other stats (not in this book), the majority of these won’t make it to 10 years. My clientele have exhibited each of these patterns. If you want assistance or feedback on your situation, apply to hire me via my link.in.bio. If you qualify, the initial consult is free.
Although all of Joel’s episodes are informative, this one marks a culmination point. It packs a punch in less than 1 hour. The best part is that it’s free to listen. The necessary links are in my bio under “Judy Recommends”. If you haven’t listened yet to The 10CBF podcast for blended families, now is a good time.
May this find the people who need to hear it.
Mar 28, 2022
Theme: What is a Healthy Marriage?
Resource: WorthTheWar community
IG profile: @WorthTheWar
link to interview: Kimie Pearl interviews Stronger Marriages
link to click-page: @WorthTheWar-links
link to Trey and Lea on IG: @Stronger_Marriages
Loving Through the Differences
Most of us only learn one part of this equation from our family of origin. If you’re from a divorced family like me, or from a highly dysfunctional or chaotic family of origin, you’re lacking the role model of what marriage is supposed to look like. If you were raised in a healthy family where your parents are still together, you won’t learn how to deal with the highly dysfunctional challenges.
I had to learn the hard way: from college, real life, and resources like I share with you here. It’s why I’m passionate about helping couples get through the tough times in a healthier way, so they can experience harmony on the other side.
Today’s resource @WorthTheWar educates on the entire spectrum of relationships from toxic/abusive to healthy/loving. Kimie Pearl is a dear friend who is passionate about ReThinking Love and Relationships.
In this interview with Trey and Lea @stronger_marriages, they covered the following points:
- Most couples are unprepared for marriage ~ have unrealistic expectations.
- What works for 1 marriage might not work for all marriages.
- Your differences are your strengths. They complement each other.
- You can’t “fix” each other. Accept your partner for who he/she is.
- “You can’t love each other through” the Red Flags in the dating phase. “Ruthless Evaluation” is called for.
I highly recommend checking out this interview @WorthTheWar’s YouTube channel, along with her other informative videos. You can find the links in my bio under “Judy Recommends”.
Mar 21, 2022
Theme: Dispelling Myths of Soul Mate Relationships
Resource: Judith Orloff, MD: Soul Mate or Cellmate? (excerpt to book, Thriving as an Empath)
IG profile: @judith.orloff.md
link to book: Thriving as an Empath: 365 Days to Self Care
Soul Mate or Cellmate?
~ an excerpt from Judith Orloff’s book, Thriving as an Empath: 365 Days of Self Care, shared @judith.orloff.md.
~ the perfect follow-up to last week’s recommendation, speaking to the same themes:
1) Your partner mirrors your unhealed wounds.
2) See your conflict as an opportunity for personal growth.
3) When you heal your personal emotional triggers, you can increase your emotional intimacy with your partner.
“A soul mate is a meant-bo-be relationship with someone for whom you feel a strong connection. When you meet, something in you awakens. You want to support each other’s souls and are each other’s safe place to land. You can take each other further than either of you could go alone.
Still, soul mate relationships aren’t always peaceful or without conflicts. You mirror each other’s light and dark sides. Seeing the union in this way helps you open your hearts even more.
However, your soul mate can become your cellmate without a mutual commitment to grow. Once the honeymoon phase ends, suddenly this idealized person is irritating you and has so many flaws! Your fears, anxieties, and other unresolved emotional triggers surface. Try to embrace these triggers as opportunities for spiritual growth. Your soul mate is not your savior or your therapist but rather someone whom you can love and learn from. When both partners are on the path to spiritual growth, your relationship will be a portal into the mysteries of intimacy.
Set Your Intention:
I will have realistic expectations of a soul mate and not think of them as my savior. I will take responsibility for my own growth. I want to heal anything in myself that keeps me from loving.”
This is how I help couples and partnered individuals. If you want this, apply to work with me via my link.in.bio.
Mar 14, 2022
Theme: What are you Learning in your Relationships?
Resource: Therese Skelly’s Fiercely Brilliant podcast, ep 82: Relationships as Vehicles for Healing
IG profile: @thereseskelly
link to podcast: thereseskelly.com…fiercely-brilliant-podcast/
Relationships as Vehicles for Healing
Therese was a psychotherapist in her earlier life. She brings both her professional and personal experience to the table, as well as wisdom by John Gottman (whom I also revere).
She beautifully illustrates how healing yourself will make you see your partner differently. (This has been my experience as well.) This is because your partner is a mirror of your inner wounds and unmet needs, which shows up as your triggers.
Other gems you’ll learn:
- You cannot expect your partner to heal all your wounds.
- See the challenges as a gift. Use them to show you what you need to heal.
- You don’t have to control the sh** out of it.
- If you don’t talk it out, you’ll act it out.
- Referring to “conflict avoidant” people, it’s not always virtuous to keep your discontents to yourself.
- Sometimes, you need to keep the message, but not the messenger.
- I.E. Not every relationship is salvageable.
- Work on yourself above all. Are you losing your sense of Self?
- Conflict doesn’t mean anything. Conflict Resolution does.
I highly recommend listening to this short podcast episode, as this is relevant to all your relationships. Find the link @thereseskelly…fiercely brilliant podcast and in my bio under “Judy Recommends”.
I recommend Therese as well. She’s a phenomenal coach and person. I can’t say enough good about her. She’s the first coach with whom I could show up completely as myself. As such, I had the biggest shifts, internally and externally, directly due to her guidance and methodology. She coaches on your whole self, not just your business.
When you shift in one area of your life, you’ll shift positively in all areas.
Mar 7, 2022
Theme: Mind Hacks
Resource: The Power of NOW: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment; author: Eckhart Tolle
IG profile: @eckharttolle
link to book excerpt: eckharttolle.com/power-of-now-excerpt
Break Relationship Patterns with the Power of Now
For my purposes of helping you improve your relationships, I’m going to speak to how to apply this concept to your everyday life.
When wanting to make deep changes at home or your relationship, it’s highly beneficial if you can approach this challenge with a clean slate. It’s an opportunity to start fresh if each person agrees to let go of the past and not worry about the future. Easier said than done, but doable when both people commit.
It’s human nature to believe the past will repeat itself, and it truly does when we’re not consciously changing. Similarly, we tend to worry about the future results of new actions that we’ve never tried before. Our subconscious programming tells us that they won’t work, and comes up with all kinds of reasons why. Yet, those things are merely guesses, because we don’t really know. If you’ve tried it before, but didn’t get your desired results, I’ve found that happens because of the unknown X factor. As a coach, I help clients tweak multiple factors at once; Therefore, they can get new results even when doing something they’ve tried before.
Hence, the ever-present NOW moment is always where your power lies. When you’re constantly worrying about repeating past mistakes or getting bad results in the future, you stay stuck in analysis paralysis. You’re not able to move forward.
I’ve been there, so I get it. Some of those concerns are real, and have kept us safe. At the same time, they’ve kept us in our uncomfortable comfort zones. That’s why it takes courage to experiment with something new. #FoodForThought
Find Eckhart Tolle on IG @EckhartTolle, and the link to his book in my bio under “Judy Recommends”.
Feb 28, 2022
Theme: Breaking Unhealthy Patterns
Resource: Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One; author: Dr. Joe Dispenza
IG profile: @drjoedispenza
link to book: drjoedispenza.com/collections/books
The Science of Breaking Habits
- being defensive with your partner
- letting your child do the thing he may fail
- be a realistic optimist
- shed past unhealthy relationship patterns
- get over the bad break-up
Do you know that these repetitive patterns are literally hard-wired in your brain? Neurons in your brain fire a certain way for every thought and emotion, which creates a brain-wave pattern. With repetition, it becomes “hard-wired”, which means it runs on auto-pilot. Even when you tell yourself that you’ll choose a different reaction next time, or won’t do xyz habit, you find yourself repeating it.
Dr. Joe Dispenza explains the scientific details (from research) in his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, today’s recommendation. It’s impressive how he simplifies complex concepts. He shares his 4-week program of practical steps and meditation practices you can use to re-wire your brain to an experience of harmony and flow.
One suggestion he makes is to do research on what you want so you know what’s possible. This is how coaches have repeatedly helped me. Adopting their ways of thinking helped me interrupt my old patterns, force myself to think differently, and create new results. Now, I can help you, too.
As an overthinker, meditating did not come easy for me. TBH, I still haven’t mastered it. However, I’ve successfully reprogrammed my unhealthy thinking patterns (re-wired my brain) through mindfulness. Understanding the science eased my analytical nature.
Here’s the formula that’s worked for me:
Positive Intention + Self-Awareness + Affirmations = New Thinking Patterns
Learn more directly from Dr. Joe Dispenza @drjoedispenza. Buy his book at www.drjoedispenza.com. His links are in my bio under “Judy Recommends”.
May you find love, luminosity, and inspiration today.
Feb 22, 2022
Theme: The Ripple Effect of Love
Resource: No Judgment. Just Love® global movement
IG profile: @sharonreanjjl
Take the NJJL Pledge: www.njjl.world/
Website/on-line store: store.we.net/store/njjl
Can We Love Without Judgment?
In ShaRon’s words, “We make judgments all the time, because we’re human. The judgments are not the problem. It’s what you think, say, or do next that matters.” I couldn’t agree more. Since you’re following me, my guess is that you feel the same.
This begins with us. I mean our judgments of ourselves. Secondarily, our partners. Next, family. Finally, community.
It’s worth emphasizing that there’s nothing inherently wrong with making judgments. I see them as a way of recognizing where your personal value system lies. When we judge something as wrong, it’s because we place value in doing or being the opposite. The judgment then becomes a note-to-self of what not to do. Following that, secondary emotions like anger and grief often erupt, directed toward that person. The NJJL movement encourages you to let go of your desire to openly express your emotions. It’s ok if you don’t understand them. There’s no way for us to understand every single thing a loved one does.
In the case of family, it’s a gentle nudge to look beyond their words and actions to see the loving person they are on the inside. Remember, they’re a flawed human, just as we all are. The same goes for a romantic flame, although it may be more difficult.
If you’re judging them over something immoral, then disassociate yourself with them. Let them be and take a different path, rather than spewing toxicity at them or behind their back, so you can remain in a vibration of love.
This is what the No Judgment. Just Love® movement is all about ~ the perfect vibe for February, the month of LOVE, to ripple outward to our greater community. Take the NJJL Pledge and check out her on-line shop at www.njjl.world, or find it in my link.in.bio under the tab, Judy Recommends.
Let’s spread the Love!
Feb 14, 2022
Theme: My Love Challenge Kickoff!
Resource: Love Letters: An Inspirational Guide to Sending Messages of Love, Changing the Way We Communicate; author: Rosa Maria Szynski
book link: www.RadianceWithRosa.com/LoveLetters
website: www.RadianceWithRosa.com
Love's Many Expressions
Rosa embodies the essence of Love. When faced with challenges, she reaches inward for Grace so to still be loving externally. It’s her natural way of being. She wrote Love Letters with the intention of inspiring the same in others.
I met Rosa several years ago when we were interviewed back-to-back on the Moms With Dreams show. We became friends when she shared her stepfamily story with me. {I’m always open to hearing these}. Hers has been positive, which puts her in a minority, and I do not attribute it to luck. She and her husband embody “partnership”, and thus collaborate on creative solutions.
I bought her book because I’m always looking for more ways to help clients express themselves to their partner more meaningfully, as it’s my mission to help couples feel a deeper connection and intimacy.
The gem of this book, though, is that it’s not exclusive to romantic relationships. Through words, poems, and story, Rosa clearly illustrates how we can be loving in any situation; and how to use grace to rise to the occasion when it’s not easy. She speaks through her heart and inspires the same in her readers. In times when it takes effort, her guidance helps you see how it’s simpler than you think. When you’re being authentic with heartfelt intentions, your words will flow. Your natural creative expression will come alive.
Love Letters is both encouraging and inspirational. I guarantee you’ll feel uplifted after reading it. Find it via her website, www.RadianceWithRosa, along with her blog and quotes/affirmations of the day. Or go to my link.in.bio under “Judy Recommends”.
Feb 7, 2022
Theme: Rethinking Your Approach to Relationships
Resource: Secrets of Attraction; author: Sandra Anne Taylor
book link: Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex, and Romance
website: www.sandrataylor.net
At Last! Ditch Unhealthy Relationship Patterns
Whether you’re single, dating, or in a committed relationship, this book can shift some of the ways you think about relationships, and thus how you approach them. Especially if you have a pattern of unhealthy relationships.
Sandra Anne Taylor, and this book specifically, had a profound impact on me along my healing path, after I decided I was DONE with people who were unsupportive, judgmental, condescending, and generally did not accept me fully (I mean all of me: both the good and hard to take). I had to look under the hood and examine the mechanics of relationships. In essence, I had to learn a new way of being.
This book will make you think, or I should say rethink, your inner motivations that lead to your actions and nonactions with your partner, or when seeking a partner. Taylor prompts you to form a special bond with yourself first and foremost. Then she shares healthy alternatives to unhealthy ways of thinking that are both optimistic and realistic. Her use of story and somewhat poetic prose makes for an enjoyable read. Her suggestions are practical, and the affirmations helpful.
I came across Taylor thru Hay House Radio, which was one of my top resources for self-help authors. Yes, there’s a spiritual component to her material, and an element of quantum physics; But, I felt she did a good job of bridging the two together, and simplifying it to the point of passing the logic test.
You can find this book and all her products on her website, www.sandrataylor.net. Cut ‘n paste in your browser, or go to my link in bio and click on Judy Recommends.
Jan 31, 2022
Theme: Finding the Path that’s Best for YOU!
Resource: 10CBF: A Podcast for Blended Families; Host, Joel Hawbaker
IG profile: @joelwhawbaker
podcast link: 10CBF: A Podcast for Blended Families
Learn New Tools for your Toolbelt
The downside to that is what works for your best friend or random Expert may not necessarily work for you. There may be a few unknown contributing factors. Educating yourself more about your specific problem can help you fill-in missing pieces.
Most especially if you’re in a blended family. Newly remarried couples often feel blindsided by the level and complexity underlying their transition. Indeed, this is a common sentiment felt by most of us who have had the experience. It’s precisely the reason for the surge in resources by those of us who have gained experience and knowledge, and can therefore help others.
The podcast I’m recommending today is one such resource. Hosted by a stepdad, he interviews a new expert in the field every week during the season; And is preparing to start Season 3. There’s a wealth of knowledge across all these interviews. So much so that I can almost guarantee you’ll find a valuable gem or insight that can help you in your personal situation, if you’re in a stepfamily.
Here’s the link: https://tinyurl.com/2p88kaaa. From IG, copy and paste it into your browser; Or go to the link in my bio and click the “Judy Recommends” button.
As you tune in, you’ll quickly realize how each family has unique challenges, even amongst the common stepfamily dynamics you hear about most often. This is why you can’t rely on cookie-cutter solutions. One size does NOT fit all. Therefore, you have to find your own path. In some cases, try different strategies until you figure out what works for you. This podcast series can give you new tools to experiment with.
Happy listening! Happy Monday!
Until next,
Jan 23, 2022
Theme: Parental Emotions and Blended Families
Resource: Mommy Guilt; Authors: Bort, Pflock, and Renner
Buy on Amazon: amazon.com/Mommy-Guilt
Read at Goodreads: goodreads.com/books…
Ditch the Guilt; You're Normal
That’s why today’s recommendation is a must-have for every parent, even if just to confirm that you’re not alone in feeling mommy guilt. A whopping 95% of parents surveyed reported feelings of guilt related to parenting. IMO, that means it’s ok to finally let yourself off the hook!
Written by an experienced researcher (Julie Bort), a certified parent educator (Aviva Pflock), and a clinical social worker (Devra Renna, MSW) who works with children and their families, you can liken Mommy Guilt to a parenting manual. Over 1300 parents surveyed: their responses compiled, analyzed, and formulated into this seminal body of work. This research is its biggest strength.
The 7 Principles of the Mommy Guilt-Free Philosophy is their foundation, which they interweave into every discussion topic. They give real-life scenarios (not just their own), plus practical ways to apply the principles. All with a gentle, empathetic tone so you don’t feel worse. To top it off, their thought-provoking quizzes and exercises will help you gain a deeper insight about yourself, so that you can personalize their application.
The best thing about the material is that the principles work for blended families as well. Why? Because they emulate an Authoritative parenting style. One of the biggest indicators of conflict in remarriages is parents who possess Permissive parenting style when the stepparent is either Authoritative or Authoritarian. Aside from that, any time both parental figures learn and utilize the same strategies, the quantity and quality of arguments will decrease. Finally, these concepts can assist in eliminating all parent-related guilt.
You can buy the book on Amazon very reasonably priced.
Happy reading. Happy Monday. 🙂
Jan 17, 2022
Theme: Make Peace with your Past
Resource: Polly Bloom, Divorce Coach
Instagram: @pollybloomdivorcecoach
Linktree: linktr.ee/PollyBloom
The Long-lasting Effects of Divorce
The effects – the “emotional baggage” – are long-lasting, and can negatively impact all of your future relationships. Indeed, it’s one of the reasons for the complications and recurring challenges of second marriages.
How many people truly heal from divorce ~ as in get to the point of feeling truly happy in their core again? I’d venture to say only a minority. The majority of people just cope with the pain or suppress it. Some go numb.
That’s why I follow Divorce Coaches, lawyers, and mediators; And how I discovered today’s recommendation, Polly Bloom @pollybloomdivorcecoach. She was interviewed on THE Amicable Divorce Expert’s podcast (host Judith Weigle @theamicabledivorceexpert). I could tell immediately that she “got it” ~ the pain, challenges, and all the stages. More importantly, she had a practical approach to help others through it.
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Paula, and it solidified her stature as a high-quality resource. Whether you’re contemplating a divorce, have already started the process, or in the aftermath, I recommend Polly Bloom to help you through the plethora of challenges. Check out her IG profile for helpful tips. Read through her testimonials to see how she’s helped others. I think you’ll conclude the same as me.
I cannot say enough about the importance of making peace with your past. I don’t mean your ex, although that’s a part of the equation. I mean your heart wounds that left scars. These DO AFFECT YOU in ongoing, subtle ways ~ possibly even impacting your current relationship. Hence, Polly’s tip to “Clear Clutter”.
It’s never too late. xo
Jan 10, 2022
Theme: Heal Yourself to Heal your Relationships
Resource: Sonia Motwani, Certified Journal Coach
Instagram: @yourjournalcoach
click-page: soniamotwani.com/instagram
Use Journaling to Heal
Are you committed to making that happen?
Are you willing to do whatever it takes, even if it makes you uncomfortable?
If you answered “yes” to all 3 questions, then you’re ready to start your journey to harmonious relationships. The first step: get to the core of what’s working and what’s not. The only way to do that is by being 100% honest with yourself on the good, the bad, and the ugly. I call this being “courageously honest” with yourself because it takes courage to the unpleasant stuff, about ourselves and our partners.
Journaling is one means of walking this path ~ of diving deep within ourselves to gain clarity on our innermost needs, desires, fears, triggers, weaknesses, strengths, and anything else. It can help us discover the obstacles to our goals, as well as our assets. We need to know both. In essence, journaling can lead you back to yourself.
It helps to have a guide throughout the process. If you’re in a chronically unhappy situation or have had a series of unhealthy relationships, you probably don’t know where to begin or how to figure out the steps, yet alone how to navigate through them. This is where I was 14 yrs ago when I first made the decision to be happy again. Almost every coach or mentor I followed suggested journaling exercises. Thus, my journal became my companion for my healing journey. I’ve been doing it ever since, and am now on Journal #42.
Sonia Motwani @yourjournalcoach is one such guide/mentor who can help you along this path, and nicely complements my suggestions. Her IG profile will give you daily prompts. She has both free and paid programs to immerse yourself further when you’re ready.
This sets you on the path to a healthier you, and thus healthy relationships. It’s one of many ways, and one I highly recommend.
Sending blessings until the next. xo
Jan 3, 2022
Theme: Set Yourself up for Success
Resource: Franklin Covey and their mission builder
IG profile: @franklincovey
website: msb.franklincovey.com
Value of a Mission Statement
If you like motivational quotes, inspiration, and self-improvement like me, I recommend following @franklincovey here on IG for the Quote of the Day.
Additionally, check out their “Mission Statement Builder” on their website: https://msb.franklincovey.com/. (FYI, you’ll need to cut ‘n paste into your search engine since IG doesn’t support live urls in posts).
Creating a Personal Mission Statement is one of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success, and this website makes it easy. It walks you through the process, one question at a time. Then it compiles your answers into a completed mission statement. You can print it out, have it emailed to you, and modify it anytime you like.
I consider it an invaluable way to get clear on your top values ~ what drives you to make personal changes, and how you would like to see them manifest.
I did mine several years ago, and have referenced it many times. Although my memory is rusty on the details, my recent visit confirms their builder is basically the same.
Then create a Team Mission Statement for your marriage or closest relationship. If you lead a team for a work-related project, consider this as a way to get everyone opted in and equally motivated.
They even have a Family Mission Statement builder ~ my favorite part!! If you’ve been following me for awhile, you’ve heard me mention this a few times. A FMS is particularly of value for blended families who don’t have shared values. As you write it, I suggest you consider the psychology of stepfamilies, thus infusing it with realistic expectations. Or, take your completed FMS to a professional like me to help you tweak it appropriately.
However you slice it, @franklincovey and mission builder website will help you set yourself up for success. 😀
Dec 27, 2021
Theme: Finding the Perfect Gift
Resource: Whozitz and Whatzitz Unique Gifts & Cards
IG profile: @whozitzandwhatzitz
website: https://whozitzandwhatzitz.com/
The Reincarnation of Jutenhoops (Phoenix Gift Shop)
Their IG profile is @whozitzandwhatzitz. Website URL: www.whozitzandwhatzitz.com.
Interestingly, there’s a permanent fixture from Jutenhoops that resides in this store.
Funny story about that. When we walked in, Steve, my best friend, commented aloud about the similarity to Jutenhoops. The store owner, Chad, quizzed Steve to find what came directly from the original Jutenhoops. It’s not obscure, but not obvious either. Steve and I were both wrong. LOL No spoilers. 😉
They have pre-wrapped white elephant gifts of different sizes and prices. If we hadn’t already bought ours, I would’ve bought one from here, and be just as surprised as the recipient. Chad said these are a big hit! I can understand why. It’s one way to eliminate stress of what to buy while adding an element of fun.
I know it’s too late this year for holiday shopping. Sorry on the timing. I found them too late for last week’s “Recommends” post, and don’t want to wait ‘til the next special occasion. Plus, I didn’t realize I had their card until yesterday. But maybe you have other reasons to shop. 🙂
On a different note, I hope you enjoyed your holiday, whatever and however you celebrated. I hope you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. And, hope you’re week is starting out fabulous!
Sending you a plethora of vibes!
Dec 13, 2021
Theme: Tips for Parents/StepParents during Holidays
Resource: Sir William, Magical Order of Brave Knights (stuffed bear / kit)
IG profile: @magicalorderbraveknights
website: www.magicalorderofbraveknights.com
Tips to Alleviate Kid's Hyperactivity and your Stress
I introduced Sir William a couple weeks ago. He can help your children sleep more soundly at night by magically protecting them from nightmares and common causes of kids’ anxiety.
With all the extra activities and excitement of the season, kids can get a little rambunctious, on top of the usual adjustment of the transition between households.
Here are a few reminder tips that I think can easily be forgotten in all the hustle ‘n bustle. They may seem minor, but they can go a long way, especially if taken together.
- Stick to a regular sleep schedule.
- Moderate sugar intake.
- Don’t cram too many activities back-to-back.
- Get plenty of fresh air and down time.
Colleen Norman Marchi is the mom who created Sir William, the Magical Brave Knight, and the accompanying book and flashlight. Originally, it was to help her own son. Eventually, she decided to share it with other moms. If you haven’t checked out her Instagram profile and this cute little fella yet, now’s a good time. She shares lots of great stuff for moms, like a recipe for Easy Truffles and a DIY tree ornament. Plus, she’s had a few sales. I personally think Sir William would make a great gift for a young person on your Christmas list.
I hope your week is starting out great! Sending you all good vibes.
Dec 6, 2021
Theme: StepParents’ First Holidays
Resource: Ella’s Blended Family (blog / support group)
IG profile: @ellas_blended_family
Click-page: linktr.ee/ellasblendedfamily
How StepParents Can Bond with their Stepfamily
Check out how Ellas Blended Family (@ellas_blended_family) did it by creating a new Christmas tradition from their memories! Every year, they buy a Christmas ornament that represents what they did together as a family. Then they decorate the Christmas tree as a family, which is now a holiday tradition.
They also gift everyone a tree ornament that represents something special and unique to that family member. This is a great way for stepparents, stepkids, and stepsiblings to get to know each other, as well as for each person to feel appreciated, fostering positive feelings among all the family members as a whole.
If you’re in a remarriage with children, and don’t yet feel like a “family”, you may want to consider starting an activity like this. If there’s too much tension right now, maybe just try the gift idea.
As in all things related to stepfamilies, implementing new family traditions works best when you’re working as a team with your spouse. You as co-parents (biological and step parent) set the tone in the household. How you handle the inevitable challenges can either breakdown or strengthen your family unit.
If you hold on too tightly to who you used to be, and aren’t flexible in changing, you’re going to scuff up against repeated reminders of the loss of your first family (and associated dreams). At the same time, if you arbitrarily throw out all the old, you may emphasize the kids’ loss if they were attached to them. A mix of the old with new is a good rule of thumb.
As usual, check in with your children with what they want, and have an open-door policy to hear grievances.
Stepfamily life is complex. If nothing’s worked for you, don’t feel bad or lose hope. There are solutions.
Check out @ellas_blended_family to see a healthy stepfamily model.
Nov 29, 2021
Theme: Mental Health Assistance and Healing
Resource: Sir William, Magical Order of Brave Knights (child’s toy/kit)
IG profile: @magicalorderbraveknights
Website: magicalorderofbraveknights.com
Divorce Causes Anxiety and Nightmares in Children
Colleen Norman Marchi, mom of 3, dealt with years of sleep deprivation and exhaustion. With a Masters degree in Psychology, she was inspired to write a book series. Sir William the Brave Knight was created later in an effort to help other moms and young children.
I met Colleen a couple years ago, and fell in love with Sir William immediately.
I don’t know about you, but I personally know a handful of children who would wake screaming from really bad nightmares, and not be able to go back to sleep. They’re grown now. But if I could go back in time, I’d gift them with this kit!
This soft plushie bear easily sleeps with the child. It comes with a hardcover storybook and a flashlight that projects 8 different images, so your child can shine it into scary corners or under the bed.
Not surprising that IT WON AN AWARD ~ the “Creative Child Award Product of the Year” in 2020 by Creative Child Magazine!
Kids experience anxiety and nightmares for all kinds of reasons. Going through a divorce is a common one, even before the separation of households. There’s a lot of uncertainty about what’s going to change or how. The emotional adjustment of the transition itself: two different homes, bedrooms, rules. This is all prior to one of the parents dating again. Plus, research shows that most parents overestimate how well their kids adjust ~ that kids are having a tougher time in their new life than their parents think.
As an aside, the current events of these times we’re in are likely having a toll on them as well. Kids always pick up on their parents’ emotions, like a 6th sense.
You can find Sir William @MagicalOrderBraveKnights and www.magicalorderofbraveknights.
Sending you all blessings this holiday season!
Nov 22, 2021
Theme: Unique Challenges in Stepfamilies
Resource: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families; author: Stephen Covey
IG profile: @7habitsofhighlyeffectivepeopl
The book on goodreads: goodreads.com/The7HabitsofHighlyEffectiveFamilies
Shared Values Creates a Solid Marital Foundation
One of my top recommendations for all families and couples. The 7 habits are the same as in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, but adapted for families.
If you’re a stepfamily, you’ll want to SUPPLEMENT this with material about stepfamily dynamics. If you’ve read anything on the subject, you know that stepfamilies don’t operate the same as first families. Typical problems won’t get solved the same way. To wit, if you try to solve problems the same as in a first family, it will either backfire or only have a temporary effect.
If gone unresolved, the tension will bleed into your relationship, leading to relationship issues. Those rock your relationship foundation, adding another, more serious layer to the mounting pile of mess. Truth be told, this is the actual reason for the high redivorce rate of remarried couples with children (not the stepfamily dynamics).
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families:
1) Be proactive
2) Begin with the end in mind
3) First things first
4) Think win-win
5) Seek first to understand, and then be understood
6) Synergize
7) Sharpen the saw
If they sound familiar, it’s likely because I talk about these a lot (or you read the book). Can you tell I’m a fan and firm advocate?!
One of the biggest challenges in a blended family, as I’ve said before, is a lack of shared values. “Shared values” is the key phrase. That’s exactly what the principles in this book can help you rectify. In fact, the 2nd habit guides you in creation of a mission statement. Based on this model, I developed a program to help stepcouples create a Family Mission Statement, and added components to accommodate stepfamilies.
Many stepparents tend to overemphasize the challenges of being a blended family, but overlook their marriage. Once your relationship foundation is cracked, repairing that needs to be your first priority.
Nov 15, 2021
Theme: Ups and Downs of Divorce and Remarriage
Resource: Judith Weigle interviews Catharine Blake
IG profile: @theamicabledivorceexpert
podcast: www.divorceresourceinc.com/effects of divorce on children
Mitigating Pain of Parents and Children After Divorce
Recently, she had a guest talking about the effects of divorce on children ~ Catharine Blake, a Certified Divorce Coach & Psychotherapist. I was really impressed with what she had to say.
Divorce has a lasting effect on the whole family. It’s a rough road for both parents and children, and the brunt of responsibility falls on the parents to navigate. Not only are there legal matters to contend with, but a full spectrum of emotions that comes with that kind of loss and transition. On top of that, parents have to figure out how to be present for their children, who are also riding a wave of emotions but without the tools of how to manage them. I don’t know of a “perfect” way through it; However, there ARE WAYS of mitigating the pain points.
Then there’s dating again, and possibly remarriage – another (bigger) minefield of potential things that can go wrong. A couple missteps and you could have explosive messes all around you to clean up.
Catharine’s story, experiences, and knowledge of the legal system brought a lot of value to the table in the interview. It’s worth a listen if you’re somewhere on the journey of a divorce or wanting to date again post-divorce. I learned something new. Apparently, it’s a growing trend to get remarried but keep 2 households.?! My mind is tweaking on how that would work. But, given what I know and work with regularly, I can understand the rationale for the choice. Yet more evidence that there’s still more to do in this industry as far as awareness, education, resources, and new strategies.
You can find the podcast on your favorite podcast app or at www.judyweigle.podbean.com.
Hope your week is starting out fabulous. Take time to smile, just because. 🙂
Nov 8, 2021
Theme: Damaging Effects of Unresolved Conflict
Resource: Judith Orloff, MD (author, empath, intuitive healer)
IG profile: @judith.orloff.md
Website: www.drjudithorloff.com
The Heart Knows When it has had Enough; Judith Orloff
Today, I’m recommending @judith.orloff.md. She shared this post a few days ago, and it resonated with me. 1) Because I see a lot of unhealthy relationships and unhealed emotional wounds. 2) It was similar to what my mom often said. She said, “When it’s OVER, you know.” (as in D.O.N.E!) She was referring to her marriage to her first husband. (My dad was her 2nd).
This is an excerpt from Judith’s book, “Thriving as an Empath”:
“The Heart Knows When it Has Had Enough
“When you have reached the end of the road with a painful relationship or a negative emotional pattern, your heart knows when it has had enough.
“If you feel too tired to go on, or you need to back off from helping someone who doesn’t want assistance, your heart knows when it has had enough.
“When you are working too much and brutally pushing yourself, your heart knows when it has had enough.
“When you keep beating yourself up for not getting the promotion you deserve, your heart knows when it has had enough.
“Some of us are addicted to pain. Letting go of this, or any unhealthy habit or person, can feel wrenching and sad. You need to grieve the loss or be resolved to wait for a possible future opening in which to intervene. But for now, the door is shut. If you can’t accept this and keep returning to a futile situation or mindset, you will only experience more pain or frustration. Respecting the holy closure of what is complete, of what is over, can help you heal and move on.”
[end of excerpt]
Not much else to say on this. It mostly speaks for itself, for anyone who needs to hear it, even if only to pass it along to a close friend or family member. We all know somebody who has experienced this.
Part of the resonance of this post, for me, is the emphasis on heart wisdom. How many times do we ignore our feelings and let our minds override them?
May kind hearts find you today.
Nov 1, 2021
Theme: Death, Rebirth, and Transformation
Resource: Dementia Solutions, Inc (Karen Tyrell)
IG profile: @dementia.solutions.inc
Click-page: linktr.ee/dementiasolutionsinc
Support for Caregivers of Parents with Dementia
I had the pleasure of interviewing its CEO and founder, Karen Tyrell, when I did a brief stint as a Radio Talk Show Host back in 2014. In fact, our interview aired exactly 7 yrs ago from this past Friday (Oct 29th).
As many of you know, my mom progressed through the stages of Alzheimer’s over the last several years of her life. Dementia is the umbrella term encompassing all conditions affecting memory. Sadly, dementia is a growing trend happening to our elderly. Many here will likely have to take care of an aging parent with a failing memory, if not already.
Dementia Solutions is one of the best resources I know for caregivers of a parent with dementia. Karen and her team have an innovative approach to helping caregivers. She teaches you to follow the behavior of the patient and play detective to figure out what they want and need. More than once, this approach helped me find a solution to appease my mom.
You can find numerous ways to get support and education on her website, www.DementiaSolutions.ca, plus an app to help caregivers and her book, Cracking the Dementia Code, is also available there. The quickest way to find her is her Instagram account (tagged here) @dementia.solutions.inc.
On a slightly different note, this week is the anniversary of my mom passing away. I thought that offering this resource may be one way to honor her memory. It’s a resource I believe in firmly. Karen is not only knowledgeable and a good teacher, but she’s also very dedicated to improving the care of our elderly with compassion. The necessity of this skill is not going away anytime soon, unfortunately.
Sending blessings to each of you through the ethers. Hopefully, you’re not too stuffed from eating all the Halloween candy from last night. Hahaha
Oct 25, 2021
Theme: Getting into the Spirit of Halloween
Resource: Buzzfeed Nifty
IG profile: @buzzfeednifty
Click-page: buzzfeed.bio/buzzfeednifty
Adorable Pets in Costumes
Halloween is less than a week away. Thought this would be a fun share.
I admit that I personally have never dressed up a pet. It just isn’t my thing. But, many people do. If you’re one of them, then you’ll love seeing what others come up with. If you’ve only thought about doing it, but haven’t, this may give you a few ideas.
Even if you have zero intention of ever dressing up your pet, you must admit that some pets are simply adorable in costumes.
@Buzzfeednifty has a few other posts about adult costumes, a couple videos on easy DIY Halloween decorations, and fun tidbits of info that you may never need to know but would still find interesting.
If you want to get into the holiday spirit, this profile may help. Also, who doesn’t need an extra reason to smile? Can’t smile too much.
Sending you all many blessings and smiles. 😀
Oct 18, 2021
Theme: What Love Really Is
Resource: The 5 Love Languages; author: Gary Chapman
IG profile: @5lovelanguages
Website: www.5lovelanguages.com
The 5 Love Languages; Gary Chapman
What is meant by a “Love Language”? In Gary’s own words (taken from my personal copy), there are “five ways to express love emotionally. Your spouse has a ‘primary love language’. If you speak that language, she will feel loved. If you fail to speak that language, her love tank will become empty and happiness will evaporate.”
What are the 5 Love Languages?
1) Acts of Service
2) Quality Time
3) Words of Affirmation
4) Receiving Gifts
5) Physical Touch
Don’t have time to read it? Check out the website for the highlights. There’s also quizzes there so you can learn what your love language is, and perhaps even your partner’s. Better yet, have your partner take the quiz, too, so you both can learn together new ways to connect deeper with each other emotionally.
There’s also a newsletter, podcast, and mobile app (all linked from the website)! He even has a profile here on Instagram @5lovelanguages.
No, I don’t get any kick-backs for recommending this. I just firmly believe in this material as another avenue for couples to learn more about each other, strengthen their connection, and infuse more happiness into their relationship. If you feel little to no emotional satisfaction in your current relationship, then this material is a good place to start.
Sending smiles and good vibes to each and every one of you. 🙂
Oct 11, 2021
Theme: Stepping Outside your Comfort Zone
Resource: Judith Weigle’s interview of Julie Turner
IG profile: @theamicabledivorceexpert
Podcast episode: podbean/emotionally divorce your married self with Julie Turner
Emotionally Divorce your Previous Self
How do you shed yourself from an image that no longer suits you, reconcile your old self, and create a vision of your future? This is the discussion on the latest episode of The Amicable Divorce Expert podcast where host Judith Weigle @theamicabledivorceexpert interviews @JulieTurner.ca.
This concept applies to all long-term relationships, not just marriages, and most especially if you were living together. Whenever you leave any relationship, irregardless of marital status or cohabitation, I think it’s vital to do a personal inventory of how you were showing up in that relationship, and how closely it aligned to your true self. In essence, can you take ownership of your personal contribution of why it fell apart? All too often, people compromise their own values in a relationship (various reasons; many valid). This is why I’m recommending this podcast episode. It complements some key elements of what I personally teach and advocate.
Emotionally Divorcing your married self is a path to healing and closure from that relationship, which facilitates your ability to have a healthy relationship with a new person. As a bonus, if you have children from that marriage, closure from it reduces the potential conflict in your next marriage. As it happens, one of the two biggest complaints of second marriages is conflict with an ex-spouse.
You can find this podcast through your favorite podcast app, via Judith’s Instagram profile, or her website, https://divorceresourceinc.com/podcasts/.
Sending you all many blessings and smiles. May you come across something today that uplifts you into a higher level of happiness.
My Intention / Mission
- Macro Layer: to help more couples have a loving healthy relationship. I squee with delight when I see couples who are genuinely in love. When that love is also healthy, I feel a warm fuzzy. So to be able to help couples experience that is my biggest bliss. It truly is.
- Micro Layer: to expand people’s views on how to have a healthy relationship. That includes teaching a new model of a true partnership that is based on synergy, equality, and teamwork.
- Deeper Layer: to give people tools and strategies for healing their wounds from past relationships so that they are able to open fully into a new experience of a romantic love deeper than they’ve ever felt before. I want as many people as possible to feel the kind of bliss that I know is possible ~ BLISS-CHARGED LOVE.
If this sounds like something you want, and you’re ready to experience love in a whole new way, and think you are ready to take the journey to real love, then click the button below to apply to work with me. I’ll respond within 2-3 business days.

Who is Judy?
Judy Graybill is a Relationship Healer and Certified Stepfamily Coach who specializes in moderate-to-high-conflict relationships. Coaching for nearly 15 years, she’s gifted at identifying where couples get stuck. She helps them develop the mindset and emotional coherence to establish long-term harmony, deeper intimacy, and a stronger partnership.
Her formal degrees are in Sociology and Psychology, complementing her certification as a Stepfamily Coach, personal experience, and subsequent healing journey.
As a child of divorce, Judy has first-hand knowledge of dysfunctional family patterns. They followed her into adulthood and 4 “failed relationships”, culminating in a painful but amicable ending to her high-conflict stepfamily experience. Feeling heartbroken, confused, and resentful, Judy set out to be happy and whole again. Through a Personal & Spiritual Journey, Judy managed to heal her complex trauma without traditional therapy. That ignited her passion to help others through similar experiences.
In addition to coaching, Judy speaks, writes, and facilitates in-person workshops. And, she’s a member of the Mind Well Collective.