Step Parents:

If you’re tired of explaining (or defending) yourself, and waiting for the next shoe to drop, then this is for you.

Finally, the Secret to Finding Harmony in Blended Families

Your struggle is not fated.    Discover the real cause and what to do about it.

ebook cover for The 5 Biggest Risk Factors for Conflict in Blended Families

Say Goodbye to What's Not Working (ba-bye)!

Say hello to a whole new experience!


Stop wasting valuable time and energy.

Trying to fix the wrong things is not only unhelpful, but will make you feel exhausted.

Make the most impact with the same effort.

When you learn the true cause of the conflict, you can focus directly on what matters most.

Feel confident.

No more second-guessing! You’ll know what’s wrong, and what’s needed to fix it.

No more exhaustively explaining yourself.

This research-backed information does the explaining for you.

Your new life awaits!

~ Full of Love, Happiness, and Harmony

Blended Family Statistics

~ Remarriages with children re-divorce approx 20 – 34% higher than 1st marriages.

~ Of the stepfamilies who stay together, it takes an avg of 7-10 yrs to feel like a “family”.

~ 63% of women are in remarriages. About 1/2 involve stepchildren living at home.

~ An estimated 1300 new blended families are formed each day (defined as 2 parents with children from previous relationship. This excludes step parents without biological children.).

~ Only 46% of children live with 2 parents in their 1st marrige.

~ Cohabiting parents are on the rise: 7% in 2014 compared to 0% in 1980.

~ An estimated 39% of children will have had a mother in a cohabiting relationship by the time they turn 12. By 16, it’ll be almost half (46%).

~ There was an estimated 10.6m one-parent households in 2022. Of those, 7.9m are mother-only, and 2.7m are father-only.

~ 4 in 10 births occur to women who are single or living with a non-marital partner.

~ Stepfamily dynamics begin when a single parent starts dating.

Research for all content here/within includes:

Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn't.

Patricia L. Papernow. (2013) Routledge. New York

The Stepfamily Foundation

Jeannette Lofas. (2007). Content and workshop provided as part of the process to become a Certified Stepfamily Coach.

Judy Graybill

I, Judy Graybill, contribute knowledge from my personal high-conflict stepfamily experience, which placed me in the 74% majority of separated step-couples.

Additionally, I contribute from my professional experience supporting step-couples since 2008 as a Certified Stepfamily coach.

The American Family Today {article}

The Pew Research Center. (2015, Dec 17). online article interpreting research data.

The Wholeistic Stepfamily Community

Intention and Invitation

Judy Graybill wrote this mini ebook for educational purposes for members of The Wholeistic Stepfamily, while freely offering it to the public.

The Wholeistic Stepfamily is a community co-founded by Bobbi Brooks Wilcox, Ali Wilks, and Judy Graybill.

We are spirit-centered women aligning our gifts, talents to supoort the evolution and empowerment of women in stepfamilies.

We believe that all healing starts from within. We are accountable for our situation and ourselves as individuals. Inner work first.

We’re inviting women in stepfamilies to go on a journey with us. On this journey, you’ll be exploring alternative perspectives in stepfamily life, discovering new possibilities, learning through self-discovery, and educating yourself about the dynamics and behaviors of stepfamily relationships so that you can have the stepfamily life you want and deserve.

Yes, this includes moms and stepmoms, wives and ex-wives, and married or unmarried women. If you’re a female who is ready and willing to raise the bar on your stepfamily situation, we welcome you.

At Last, You Can Find the Path to Harmony

Not every stepfamily experiences conflict; And not every stepfamily who experiences conflict will separate. Do the 40% who survive 2nd marriages know something that the other 60% don’t? The answer lies in the pages of this book, and it’s yours for free.

Fill in the form below. Click the button. Step boldly toward your heart’s desires!

picture of content family hugging under cherry blossom trees