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Meet ShaRon Rea
No Judgment. Just Love®
global movement

I Pledge
I Pledge
I Pledge
I Pledge
I Pledge
Inspire Change with No Judgment. Just Love ®
How Do We Apply NJJL to Everyday Life, Particularly our Relationships?
Message from ShaRon:
Thanks for for tuning in to hear how the practice of no judgment just love can enhance your relationships. When you choose to move beyond judgments that divide, to consciously lead with LOVE in your thoughts, words and actions with the people you’re connected with, it will genuinely help you relate to each other better.
Get Involved!
How to support the No Judgment. Just Love ® movement:
Take the Pledge!
Share Your Story. Change Lives!
Post using #nojudgmentjustloveworld.
FB: www.facebook.com/nojudgmentjustlove
Instagram: www.instagram.com/nojudgmentjustlove
Contact ShaRon
Inspire the Next Generation!

Ready… Set… Go… Color
and Journal!
Children of all ages enjoy these fun and interactive coloring journal books that inspire kindness and unconditional love for themselves and others. It can be a harsh world for children who feel different, are pushed aside, or misunderstood. These books help every child increase their ability to have more great days!
They are printed in right-handed versions, and with pictures on the left for smudge-free lefty coloring. Available on Amazon.
{Proceeds support the NJJL movement.}
Left-handed version on Amazon
Right-handed version on Amazon

Children are sponges!
It can be a harsh world for children who feel different, are pushed aside, misunderstood or just trying to be themselves. These books help every child increase their ability to have more great days!

From Us to You
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Once you meet ShaRon, you’ll discover she is a passionate woman on a serious mission to make the world a better place as founder of the global movement No Judgment. Just Love.® ShaRon knows that judgments are human and we judge all the time. Her message is meant to encourage people to practice No Judgment. Just Love.® which is “choosing to move beyond judgments that divide, to consciously lead with LOVE in your thoughts, words and actions. This will genuinely help us relate to each other better.”
Meet ShaRon Rea
Life Coach | Peacemaker | Conscious Communications Trainer

In her work as a life coach and owner of The Whole Family Coaching, ShaRon combines evidence-based tools with real life effective relationship skills helping families find solutions for the day to day challenges of raising teens, co-parenting after divorce, being a grandparent raising grandchildren, fathers increasing their parenting skills and every caregiver focused on raising responsible, self-confident, happy children.
Her formula for success in all areas of life is centered on Conscious Communications which is taking personal responsibility to listen with compassion and then speak with clarity to do no harm, making it safe for everyone to express themselves.
Children are sponges!
Let’s take care with what they see and absorb.
It can be a harsh world for children who feel different, are pushed aside, misunderstood or just trying to be themselves. These books help every child increase their ability to have more great days!
Who is Judy?
Judy Graybill is a Relationship Healer and Certified Stepfamily Coach who specializes in moderate-to-high-conflict relationships. Coaching for nearly 15 years, she’s gifted at identifying where couples get stuck. She helps them develop the mindset and emotional coherence to establish long-term harmony, deeper intimacy, and a stronger partnership.
Her formal degrees are in Sociology and Psychology, complementing her certification as a Stepfamily Coach, personal experience, and subsequent healing journey.
As a child of divorce, Judy has first-hand knowledge of dysfunctional family patterns. They followed her into adulthood and 4 “failed relationships”, culminating in a painful but amicable ending to her high-conflict stepfamily experience. Feeling heartbroken, confused, and resentful, Judy set out to be happy and whole again. Through a Personal & Spiritual Journey, Judy managed to heal her complex trauma without traditional therapy. That ignited her passion to help others through similar experiences.
In addition to coaching, Judy speaks, writes, and facilitates in-person workshops. And, she’s a member of the Mind Well Collective.