My Blog
Real Talk about Real RelationshipsMy Intention through this blog is to educate and plant seeds on how you can uplevel your relationship.
My Mission:
- help more couples have a loving healthy relationship.
- expand people’s views and experiences of what it looks like, practically speaking, to have a true partnership based on synergy, equality, and teamwork.
- give people tools and strategies for healing their wounds from past relationships, so that they can open fully to a romantic love deeper than they’ve ever known.
Prepare for the Uncomfortable Conversation: 3 Game-Changer Tips
Are you concerned about a loved-one, and need to tell them? Most of the time, those conversations don’t turn out well. At best, they end with hurt feelings in one or both of you. At worst, it ends the relationship. … I’ve learned a few techniques that make a world of difference, which I share below. Not only will you be able to keep your relationship intact, you have the opportunity to foster a deeper bond, thus leading to a tighter friendship. That’s why I call them game-changers! In short, at the end of the conversation, you will feel good about having had it.
Why doesn’t she take your advice (and do the thing that’ll solve all her problems)?
You have a pretty clear idea what she should do to “fix” the problem. Perhaps it’s so clear to you that you can’t understand why she hasn’t done it. Surely, she must not know about said solution. Worse yet, she does know, but still isn’t doing it. … I believe that if you know what’s really at the crux of the problem, it might ease your frustration with that person. In my experience, deeper understanding almost always leads to more compassion and less arguing, a stronger bond rather than weaker, and a desire to be more supportive, not less. So here are 10 reasons why people don’t take others’ advice.

My 1st Stepfamily Halloween: a Precursor for Future Holidays
… This would be THE FIRST of any family event, yet alone with the kids’ mom. Although we’d been together over a full year, I had never been invited to any of the “family” things, including his eldest daughter’s high school graduation. …
She showed up drunk, brought alcohol with her, and walked to our local convenient store for a little more. ** Red Flag Alert!!** ‘This is not a good sign!’ my brain screamed at me. At that moment, all I knew is that wherever she was going to be, I was going to be somewhere else.
Featured Publications
Articles & Guest Speaker Interviews
- 3 Blocks to Intimacy ~ interviewed as Guest Speaker on The Father Show with Mike Thompson, hosted by Mike Thompson.
- Doing the Hard Tasks and Parental Influence in Blended Families ~ interviewed as Guest Speaker on 10CBF: A Podcast for Blended Families, hosted by Joel Hawbaker
- Stepfamily Coaching 101 ~ interviewed as Guest Speaker on Constructive Uncoupling podcast, hosted by Judy Weigle
- 11 Co-Parenting Ground Rules ~ article quoting Judy alongside Drs. Patricia Papernow and Richard Warshak, written by Amy Aitman
- Stepparenting Do’s and Don’ts ~ article quoting Judy alongside Dr. Patricia Papernow, written by Amy Aitman.
Who is Judy?
Judy Graybill is a Relationship Healer and Certified Stepfamily Coach who specializes in moderate-to-high-conflict relationships. Coaching for nearly 15 years, she’s gifted at identifying where couples get stuck. She helps them develop the mindset and emotional coherence to establish long-term harmony, deeper intimacy, and a stronger partnership.
Her formal degrees are in Sociology and Psychology, complementing her certification as a Stepfamily Coach, personal experience, and subsequent healing journey.
As a child of divorce, Judy has first-hand knowledge of dysfunctional family patterns. They followed her into adulthood and 4 “failed relationships”, culminating in a painful but amicable ending to her high-conflict stepfamily experience. Feeling heartbroken, confused, and resentful, Judy set out to be happy and whole again. Through a Personal & Spiritual Journey, Judy managed to heal her complex trauma without traditional therapy. That ignited her passion to help others through similar experiences.
In addition to coaching, Judy speaks, writes, and facilitates in-person workshops. And, she’s a member of the Mind Well Collective.