Prepare for the Uncomfortable Conversation: 3 Game-Changer Tips

Are you concerned about a loved-one, and need to tell them? Most of the time, those conversations don’t turn out well. At best, they end with hurt feelings in one or both of you. At worst, it ends the relationship. … I’ve learned a few techniques that make a world of difference, which I share below. Not only will you be able to keep your relationship intact, you have the opportunity to foster a deeper bond, thus leading to a tighter friendship. That’s why I call them game-changers! In short, at the end of the conversation, you will feel good about having had it.

How to Build a Solid Relationship Foundation

How to Build a Solid Relationship Foundation

If you’re one who has a rocky foundation, know factually that you have the ability to change this with conscious effort. First, you must know that you are a change agent ~ a catalyst for change. Consider this premise: When you show up differently ~ when you act and react differently to your partner and life’s happenings, then the people around you will act and react differently to you. Your circumstances will change because you’ll be doing things differently, and thus get different results.